(As of 1 April 2024)
1回生配当科目/1st Year of Undergraduate School
- 地球工学総論 / Introduction to Global Engineering [JP/EN](Yagi, Matsumiya, Noguchi)
- 物理学基礎論A / Fundamental Physics A [JP](Yagi)
- 情報基礎演習 / Practice of Basic Informatics [JP](Noguchi)
2回生配当科目/2nd Year of Undergraduate School
- 構造力学I及び演習 / Structural Mechanics I and Exercises [JP] (Yagi, Matsumiya)
- 一般力学 / Fundamental Mechanics [JP] (Matsumiya)
3回生配当科目/3rd Year of Undergraduate School
- 耐震・耐風・設計論 Earthquake and Wind Resistance of Structures, and Related Structural Design Principles (E & WR of S, & RSDP) [JP/EN] (Yagi, Noguchi)
- 構造実験・解析演習 Computer Programming and Experiment on Structural Mechanics (CP & Exp on Struct M) [JP/EN](Yagi, Matsumiya, Noguchi)
4回生配当科目/4th Year of Undergraduate School
- 地球工学デザインA / Design Exercise for Global Engineering A [JP](Yagi)
大学院配当科目/Graduate School
- 橋梁工学 / Bridge Engineering [EN] (Yagi, Matsumiya, Noguchi)
- 連続体力学 / Continuum Mechanics [JP] (Yagi)
- 社会基盤構造工学 / Structural Engineering for Civil Infrastructure [EN] (Yagi, Matsumiya)
- 構造工学実験法 / Strucutual Testing Technology [JP] (Yagi)